Since 1997 Jeffrey M. Young & Company, formerly known as Structural Strategies, has provided consulting, forensic, and structural engineering services to adjusters, insurers, owners, attorneys, and property managers among others.
We offer an array of services, and we have extensive experience on a variety of projects involving different types of facilities, materials, and structural systems.  Our experience is wide-ranging and our education extensive.  All engineering is performed by licensed professionals with advanced degrees and 20+ years of experience.
At Jeffrey M. Young & Company we take great pride in the fact that our expertise often results in findings and designs that save clients time and money.  For example, we developed a uniqure repair plan for a building that saved our client more than $3 Million and allowed the repairs to be completed in less than half the time required for conventional repairs.  Another client saved approximately $6 million by our proving a facility could be repaired and did not have to be demolished.
Contact us.  We'd welcome the opportunity to dicuss your engineering needs and explore ways we can put our experience and expertise to work developing engineered solutions that are right for you.